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19/06 14:54:47

Over the past 40 years, technological advances have reduced the cost of computer chips

Over the past 40 years, technological advances have reduced the cost of computer chips. How do you think this has affected the market for computers? For computer software? For typewriters?
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The reduction in the cost of computer chips over the past 40 years has had significant and multifaceted impacts on various markets, including those for computers, computer software, and typewriters. Here’s a detailed analysis of these effects:

### Market for Computers
1. **Lower Prices and Increased Demand**: As the cost of computer chips decreased, the production cost of computers also fell. This reduction in cost typically led to lower prices for consumers, making computers more affordable and accessible to a broader audience. Consequently, the demand for computers increased significantly.

2. **Innovation and Performance**: Cheaper computer chips have enabled manufacturers to invest more in research and development, leading to rapid advancements in computer technology. This has resulted in more powerful, efficient, and feature-rich computers over time.

3. **Market Expansion**: The affordability and improved performance of computers have expanded their use beyond traditional business and academic environments to personal, entertainment, and mobile applications. This expansion has driven further growth in the market.

### Market for Computer Software
1. **Increased Demand for Software**: As more people and businesses purchased computers, the demand for computer software also surged. This includes operating systems, productivity tools, entertainment software, and specialized applications.

2. **Diverse Software Ecosystem**: The proliferation of affordable computers has fostered a diverse ecosystem of software developers, leading to a wide variety of software products and services. This diversity has driven innovation and competition within the software industry.

3. **Economies of Scale**: The larger user base for computers has allowed software companies to achieve economies of scale, reducing the per-unit cost of software development and distribution. This has often resulted in lower prices for consumers and businesses.

### Market for Typewriters
1. **Decline in Demand**: The advent of affordable and versatile computers has drastically reduced the demand for typewriters. Computers offer far more functionality, including word processing, which has rendered typewriters largely obsolete.

2. **Market Contraction**: The typewriter market has contracted significantly, with many manufacturers either exiting the market or shifting their focus to other products. Typewriters are now mostly found in niche markets or as collectibles.

3. **Technological Obsolescence**: The technological advantages of computers over typewriters—such as ease of editing, digital storage, and connectivity—have made typewriters an outdated technology for most practical purposes.

### Summary
The reduction in the cost of computer chips has had a profound impact on the markets for computers, computer software, and typewriters. It has driven down the cost and increased the accessibility of computers, spurred innovation and growth in the software industry, and led to the decline of the typewriter market. These changes reflect the broader trend of technological advancement and its ability to reshape industries and consumer behavior.
Ngọc Lệ
19/06 14:58:05
+5đ tặng
he reduction in the cost of computer chips over the past 40 years due to technological advances has had significant impacts on the market for computers, computer software, and typewriters. 1. Market for Computers: - Decreased Cost: The reduction in the cost of computer chips has led to a decrease in the overall cost of manufacturing computers. This has made computers more affordable and accessible to a larger segment of the population. - Increased Demand: Lower prices have increased the demand for computers, leading to higher sales volumes and market penetration. - Technological Innovation: Cheaper computer chips have enabled manufacturers to produce more powerful and advanced computers, driving technological innovation in the industry. 2. Market for Computer Software: - Increased Demand: As the cost of computer hardware has decreased, more people have access to computers, leading to an increased demand for computer software. This has created opportunities for software developers and companies to expand their market reach. - Software Compatibility: Advances in computer chip technology have allowed for the development of more sophisticated software applications that can run on a wider range of devices, further driving the demand for software. 3. Market for Typewriters: - Decline in Demand: The rise of computers and the decreasing cost of computer chips have led to a decline in the demand for typewriters. Typewriters have become obsolete in many settings as computers offer more functionality and efficiency. - Shift in Market Focus: Companies that once focused on typewriter manufacturing have had to adapt to the changing market landscape by shifting their focus to other products or services. Overall, the reduction in the cost of computer chips has had a transformative impact on the markets for computers, computer software, and typewriters, leading to increased accessibility, innovation, and changes in consumer preferences.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Mai Mai
19/06 15:04:51
+4đ tặng
Technological advances in the past 40 years have significantly reduced the cost of computer chips, leading to various impacts on the market for computers, computer software, and typewriters.
Firstly, the reduction in the cost of computer chips has made computers more affordable for consumers, resulting in an increase in demand for computers. This has led to a more competitive market for computers, with a wider range of options available to consumers at different price points.
Secondly, the decrease in the cost of computer chips has also affected the market for computer software. As computers become more affordable, the demand for software to run on these computers has increased. This has created opportunities for software developers to innovate and create new products to meet the growing demand.
Lastly, the impact on typewriters has been significant. With the rise of affordable computers and software, the demand for typewriters has declined sharply. Typewriters have become obsolete in many settings as computers offer more advanced features and capabilities for word processing tasks.
In conclusion, the reduction in the cost of computer chips has had a profound impact on the market for computers, computer software, and typewriters, leading to increased affordability and accessibility of computers, a growing market for software, and the decline of typewriters as a tool for writing and word processing.

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