Dưới đây là câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi về đoạn văn:
1. How long does the school year in the US last?
- The school year in the US usually lasts from early September to mid-June.
2. What time do classes finish?
- Classes finish at 3 p.m.
3. How many vacations do students have a year?
- Students have three vacations: a two-week vacation, a one-week spring vacation, and a two-month summer vacation.
4. How do students in big cities get to school?
- Many students in big cities walk to school if they live close enough.
5. When do students go to the canteen?
- Students go to the canteen at break-time.
6. Do you like American schools? Why/Why not?
- This is a personal opinion. You could say, for example: "Yes, I like American schools because they offer a variety of subjects and give students a long summer vacation." or "No, I don't like American schools because the school day is too long."