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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
24/09/2021 19:07:08
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According to the memorandum, when did the most recent power failure occur

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
To: All Staff
From: Kathy White
Date: July 25, 20–
Re: Back-up for Power Outages/Major Systems Failure
In the wake of last week's major backout, many people have been asking about our
campus's electrical backup systems.
In the event of disruption of nomal AC power at any node, Telephone Services maintains
back-up batteries that can power the system. We also maintain a set of back-up telephone
lines and a complement of spare equipment. The Veterinary School is equipped with back-
up generators. If the power goes out, the generators will cycle on and restore power to the
During nomal office hours, University Maintenance will respond directly to a power
failure. After hours, the school will contact the local electrical company.
According to the memorandum, when did the most recent power failure occur?
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