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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
06/11/2023 12:39:25

Education System of Viet Nam in the Past

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Education System of Viet Nam in the Past
Because of 1,000 years under the control of China, there were no records which indicated a
formal education system in Viet Nam. In 939, Emperor Ngo Quyen expelled the Chinese invaders
and declared Vietnamese independence. But the first two dynasties Ngo and Dinh did not last so
long, and were busy with the national defense, so the education was just in pagodas. Ly Cong Uan,
the founder king of the Ly dynasty had been educated in a pagoda.
To the Ly dynasty, the fundamental educational system was officially improved, King Ly
Thanh Ton established the Temple of Literature at the ancient Capital of Thang Long to encourage
people to appreciate the education. In 1075, the first exam was done by the order of King Ly Nhan
Ton to select scholars for the office and the later year, 1076, the Imperial Academy, the first
university in Viet Nam's history, was set up for the education of sons of royally and other high-
ranking officials.
There were also many private classes taught by prominent scholars such as Chu Van An,
Le Quy Don, Nguyen Binh Khiem, Phung Khac Khoan, Vo Truong Toan... The students would
only study literature and ancient history of China, of Viet Nam for entirety of their schooling.
Later on, the Public Administration curriculum was finally added to the programme. When the Ho
Royal family ruled the country, students were taught simple mathematics.
From 1918 to 1945, Viet Nam's education programme adopted the western education
system with three levels: elementary, high school, and college. At all levels, from 1945 the
Vietnamese national language is officially used. Students have the opportunity to learn literature,
history, philosophy, law, science, math, medicine and other languages.
1. In the 10th century, parents_
A. could let their children have a formal education
B. were too busy to send their children to school
C. could send their children to pagodas to have some schooling
D. didn't want their children go to school under the control of China
2. All of the following were done during the Ly dynasty EXCEPT that_
A. all good students could go to the Imperial Academy
B. King Ly Thanh Ton established the Temple of Literature
C. the Imperial Academy was established in 1076
D. King Ly Nhan Ton ordered to hold the first exam to select scholars
3. In the past, students mostly learned_
A. public administration
C. the ways to rule the country
4. We can infer from the passage that_
B. science subjects and mathematics
D. literature and ancient history
A. the private classes replaced the Imperial Academy
B. education was highly appreciated during the dynasties
C. mathematics was highly developed during the Ho dynasty
D. the prominent scholars such as Le Quy Don couldn't teach at the Imperial Academy
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Kim Anh
06/11/2023 13:00:13
+5đ tặng

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Nguyễn Duy Khương
06/11/2023 14:17:43
+4đ tặng
  1. In the 10th century, parents_ C. could send their children to pagodas to have some schooling

  2. All of the following were done during the Ly dynasty EXCEPT that_ A. all good students could go to the Imperial Academy

  3. In the past, students mostly learned_ D. literature and ancient history

  4. We can infer from the passage that_ B. education was highly appreciated during the dynasties


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