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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
19/11/2023 10:49:43

Using expressions of quantity in adjective clauses

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
► Practice 19. Using expressions of quantity in adjective clauses. (Chart 13-9)
Combine the sentences. Use the second sentence as an adjective clause. Add commas where
1. I received two job offers. I accepted neither of them.
I received two job offers, neither of which I accepted.
2. I have three brothers. Two of them are professional athletes.
3. Jerry is engaged in several business ventures. Only one of them is profitable.
4. The two women have almost completed law school. Both of them began their studies at age 40.
5. Eric is proud of his success. Much of it has been due to hard work, but some of it has been
due to good luck.
6. We ordered an extra-large pizza. Half of it contained meat and half of it didn't.
7. The scientist won the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work. Most of his work was on
8. The audience gave a tremendous ovation to the Nobel Prize winners. Most of them were
1 trả lời
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cao dang dang
20/11/2023 18:04:21
+5đ tặng
  1. I received two job offers, neither of which I accepted.
  2. I have three brothers, two of whom are professional athletes.
  3. Jerry is engaged in several business ventures, only one of which is profitable.
  4. The two women, both of whom began their studies at age 40, have almost completed law school.
  5. Eric is proud of his success, much of which has been due to hard work, but some of which has been due to good luck.
  6. We ordered an extra-large pizza, half of which contained meat and half of which didn't.
  7. The scientist won the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work, most of which was on genomes.
  8. The audience gave a tremendous ovation to the Nobel Prize winners, most of whom were scientists.

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