Health is something we tend to ignore when we have it. When our body is rather well, we're hardly ever (66) ..aware..of it. But illness can come, even (67)....when.... we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very vulnerable time. Many (68).diseases....attacked children in particular and people knew very little about how to prevent such illness or how to (69).cure... them once they struck. The result was that many children died. About century ago, however, scientists found out about germs, and then everything (70)...changed.... The cause of many diseases (71)...were.. known, and cures were developed. As this medical knowledge spread the world became (72)..much... safer for children. The result is that whereas a hundred years ago the average man lived for 35 years. Nowadays, in many places of the world, people can expect to (73) for years. And what do we except by the years 2010? Undoubtedly, (74) ..medical... science will continue to advance. Some people will be able to (75) ....avoid.. medical problems that are unavoidable today.