Here are the correct words filled in:
1. The union is upset about the company's decision to **outsource** 3,000 jobs to India.
2. The company is experiencing cuts **across the board**. Our department is not as hard hit as most as we are only losing one person.
3. In the 1980s and part of the 1990s, there was a **boom** which was later followed by just as large a bust.
4. Many people consider it an insult when the language they speak is called or considered to be a **dialect**.
5. It is doubtful that we will reach our **goal** of having all children reading at grade level by the year 2010.
6. English has **replaced** French as the language of international commerce and politics.
7. The new law **established** guidelines of how many hours of each day should be spent teaching in each language.
8. The growing use of English internationally is **fueled** by the importance of the Internet, interest in American culture, and financial globalization.
9. The prime minister was **shocked** that the public did not fully support his proposal to ban chewing gum.
10. The **widespread** use of English in computer support literature will lead to countries borrowing technology terms from English.