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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
15/08/2020 10:05:55

There are ten mistakes in the passage each numbered line in the right column has one. Find and correct them

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đề bài: there are ten mistakes in the passage.each numbered line in the right column has one .find and correct them.
everyone wants to reduce pollution.but the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious.it iscomplicated beacuse of much pollution iscaused by things that benefit people.for example,exhaust of automobiles causes a largepercent of all air pollution.however,the automobileprovides transportation for million of people.factories discharge much of material that pollutes air nd water,but factories give employment to the large number of people.thus,to end or great reduce pollution immediately,people would have to stop using many things that benefit them.most the people do not want to do that,of course.nevertheless,pollution can be graduak reduced in several ways.scientists and engineers can work to find ways to less the way of pollution that such things like automobiles and factories cause.governments can pass and enforce laws that request businesse and traffic to stop,or to cut down on certain polluting activities

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
15/08/2020 10:15:33
+5đ tặng
everyone wants to reduce pollution.but the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious.it is complicated because of much pollution is caused by things that benefit people.for example,exhaust of automobiles causes a large percent of all air pollution.however,the automobile provides transportation for million of people factories discharge much of material that pollutes air nd water,but factories give employment to the large number of people.thus,to end or great reduce pollution immediately,people would have to stop using many things that benefit them.most the people do not want to do that,of course.nevertheless,pollution can be graduak reduced in several ways.scientists and engineers can work to find ways to less the way of pollution that such things like automobiles and factories cause.governments can pass and enforce laws that request businesse and traffic to stop,or to cut down on certain polluting activities
much pollution is=>being
using=>to use
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