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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
14/02/2021 14:00:28

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
Two friends Nam and Lan are talking about the topic of gender equality.
91. Nam: “Do you think that there are any jobs which only men or only women can or should do?”
       Lan: “____”
A. Men are better at certain jobs than women.
B. I agree. This really depends on their physical strengths and preferences.
C. Women and men should cooperate with each other.
D. Men are often favoured in certain jobs.
92. Lan: “Would you rather work for a male or female boss?”
      Nam: “____”
A. I’ve been self-employed for five years.     B. I don’t like working under time pressure.
C. I prefer a male boss.                                   D. I can’t stand the women gossips.
93. Nam: “Would you rather have a male or a female secretary?”
      Lan: “____”
            A. I want to have a female one.
B. The number of female secretaries is increasing.
C. The number of female secretaries is staying the same.
D. Female secretaries outnumber male ones.
94. Lan: “How do the roles of men and women differ in your family?”
      Nam: “____”
A. Most of men don’t want to stay at home.
B. Women are changing their roles.
C. Most men are very bossy and arrogant.
D. Men are breadwinners and women are caregivers.
95. Nam: “Which gender, do you think, works harder: male or female?
      Lan: “____”
            A. I think it depends on individuals rather than gender.
B. Males like high position jobs more than females.
C. Females prefer to have a stable job.
D. Both males and females are responsible for childcare.
96. Nam: “Which gender spends most of the time shopping?”
      Lan: “____”
A. Shopping has always been my hobby.
B. More and more people are shopping online these days.
C. Both genders like shopping.
D. It depends on who keeps the money.
97. Nam: “Which gender is most likely to ask strangers for directions?”
      Lan: “____”
A. Men sometimes ask strangers for directions as well.
B. Women are because their sense of space and directions is worse.
C. Both men and women can use GPS these days.
D. GPS is very useful to help car drivers.
98. Nam: “Why are there generally so few women in top positions?”
      Lan: “____”
A. Top positions are the highest in career ladder.       B. Top positions are hard to climb to.
C. I guess men tend to make better leaders.               D. Women also want to climb to top positions.
99. Nam: “Which gender tends to live longer?”
      Lan: “____”
A. Women tend to live 5 years longer than men.       B. Women like a peaceful and quiet life.
C. Men want to live an active life.                              D. Both men and women tend to live longer.
100. Nam: “As women live longer than men, should they retire later?”
        Lan: “____”
A. When women are retired, they want to enjoy life.
B. When men are retired, they still want to continue working.
C. The government is still discussing the retirement age.
D. I don't think so. Physically, they are weaker and they need to retire earlie
101. Lan: “What behaviours are only seen as appropriate for women?
         Nam: “____”
A. Women are getting more and more independent.
B. In some places, women still suffer gender discrimination.
C. I don’t really know. Maybe gossiping and crying in public places.
D. Gender discrimination should be abolished.
102. Lan: “What behaviours are only seen as appropriate for men?”
        Nam: “____”
            A. What are men’s appropriate behaviours?
B. There are many, such as offering to pay for meals or drinks.
C. Men, in general, don’t have appropriate behaviours.
D. Men don’t want other people to criticize them.
103. Lan: “What clothing is appropriate for women but not for men?”
        Nam: “____”
A. They are long dresses and skirts.               B. Men are also changing their fashion styles.
C. Many clothes now are uni-sex.                   D. Men should never wear women’s clothes.
104. Nam: “Which gender is better at team sports?”
        Lan: “____”                   
A. Women are better at individual sports.                  B. Both men and women can do sports.
C. Physically, men are stronger than women.             D. Certainly, men are better.
105. Lan: “Which gender do you think studies most?”
        Nam: “____”
A. Studying is quite long lasting.
B. This depends more on individuals rather than genders.
C. Gender discrimination in education is a hot debate.
D. Female students should also be allowed to further their studies.

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
14/02/2021 14:09:01
+5đ tặng
91. B
92. C
93. A
94. D
95. A
96. C
97. B
98. A
99. C
100. D

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