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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
19/12/2021 07:54:15

Chọn từ có cách phát âm khác

Ai làm đc thì em tặng 200 xu
1.  A.  poster  B.  sofa  C.  own  D.  laptop                            2  A.  fridge  B. garage   C. magazine  D. age

3.  A.  television  B.  toilet  C.  pocket  D. semester               4.  A.  book  B.  look  C.  door  D.  room

5.  A.  clocks  B.  villas  C.  maps  D. students                       6.  A. attic    B. maps   C. any    D. lamp       

II. Put the words into THREE groups (/ s /, / z / and / iz /)

lamps - rooms - desks - posters - sinks – houses - buildings - laptops - toilets - books - clocks – apartments- cars

beds - wardrobes - tables - fridges - dishes – chopsticks -  garages – shelves – clothes – watches – dances

/ iz/:

/ s /:

/ z/:

III: Điền vào chỗ trống 1 từ ( a / an / the / some /any / much / many / a little /a few/ few / little / all / both ) hoặc không đièn : (chú ý: ký hiệu “x” có nghĩa là không cần mạo từ)

1. ........................you must do now is to wait.

2. I have........................money. Can I borrow ......................from you?

3. He is new in this area. He has .....................................friends so he feel lonely.

4. Would you pass me ________ salt, please?

5. Can you show me ________way to ________station?

6. She has read ________interesting book.

7. You’ll get ________shock if you touch ________ live wire with that screwdriver.

8. Do you have to wear  ________ uniform at _______school .

9. ________ youngest boy is going to  ________ work

10. Do you go to ________ prison to visit him?

11. ________eldest boy is at ________ college.

12. Are you going away next week? No, ________ week after next.

13. Would you like to hear ________ story about ________ English scientist?

14. There’ll always be a conflict between ________ old and ________ young.

15. There was ________ accident  at ________              corner.

16. My mother thinks that this is ________ expensive shop.

17. Hurry up! We only have ...................    time before the train  leaves.

18. We don’t have ..................          bananas, and we don’t have ....................   fruit juice

19. We have ....................... bananas. Do you have .............. ........   fruit juice?

20. Will you bring me ........................coffee? – Sure, here you are.

21. Do you need ......................... black one or ....................... blue one? – Oh, I need ...........................

22. You can come to my house at............................time you like. You’re always welcome there.

IV:  Use the cue words to make full sentences:

1.How / he /be /  late / work ? – He  / late / work / twice / week .


2.How / sugar / there / be / jar / near / window ? – There / be / lot /


3.How / be / new trousers ? – They / 150.000 dong


4.New school / different / old one? – Yes / it / bigger.


5.There / be /  few / interesting books / bag.............................................................................................

6. Father / not free / afternoon? – No / he / busy / do  / housework  /


7.He /wear / new uniform / because / today / first day / school.


8.father / home / at work / today? – He / home / because / he / tired \


9. How / he /will / travel /work / tomorrow? – He / travel / car



10. father / go / holiday / moment ? – No / he / go / business / London


1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
vịt thích cày truyện
19/12/2021 08:22:59
+5đ tặng
3.C.  door
5.B.  villas
III: Điền vào chỗ trống 1 từ ( a / an / the / some /any / much / many / a little /a few/ few / little / all / both ) hoặc không đièn : (chú ý: ký hiệu “x” có nghĩa là không cần mạo từ)
2.I have.....little.......money. Can I borrow ......................from you?
3.He is new in this area. He has ......many..........friends so he feel lonely.
5. Can you show me __the__way to __the__station?
6. She has read __a__interesting book.
8.Do you have to wear  _a_ uniform at _____school .
18. We don’t have ...any......          bananas, and we don’t have ..........any..........   fruit juice
19. We have ........many......... bananas. Do you have ......... ........   fruit juice?
tuy làm hơi ít nhưng hãy cho mình 30 xu nha! biết ơn suốt đời!!!

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