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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
04/02 09:30:34

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question

II. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (1.0pt)


          My name is Sara, and I love shopping online. I prefer mobile phone apps, but sometimes use my computer. The phone is more convenient for me, and I can even do my shopping from bed!

I love shopping so much that I buy everything I need at home. I get food, electronics, books, and even large pieces of furniture like my sofa and bookshelves all online! But I still prefer getting clothes from a store so I can try them on to be sure they fit me fine.

          Yesterday, I bought a birthday present for my mother, and it arrived today! That saves me a lot of time. I am a very busy person, and I am a little forgetful too. If I think of something I need, then it is wonderful that I can buy it at that moment.

          My friends aren't as comfortable with buying things online as I am because they think that it can be dangerous. Of course, bad things sometimes happen, but I am very careful with all of my personal details. I think the biggest fear that people have with using their credit cards online is that someone will steal their number. It is important to be sure that the web page is secure. You can see this if the address has got an "s" in it, like https. //. That "s" means it is safe.

          People should not be afraid of shopping online. I think it will be the only way we will do our shopping in the future!


Question 36. What is Sara's favourite way of shopping?

     A. On her phone.                B. On her laptop                 C. On her computer.           D. In a shop

Question 37. What does the word “it” in the passage refer to?

     A. her mother's birthday.                                                B. a present.

     C. shopping online.                                                        D. Sara’s mother.

Question 38. Sara thinks that shopping online ______.

     A. is safe if you are careful                                            B. is not interesting

     C. is always safe.                                                            D. is often dangerous

Question 39. Sara thinks that in the future______.

     A. online shopping will be safer                                     B. everybody will only shop online.

     C. no one will shop online                                              D. some people will shop online.

Question 40. What is the best title of the passage?

     A. Online shopping                                                        B. Future shopping

     C. Things on the internet                                                D. Sara’s free time


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Question 36. What is Sara's favourite way of shopping?
A. On her phone.
B. On her laptop.
C. On her computer.
D. In a shop

Answer: A. On her phone.

Question 37. What does the word “it” in the passage refer to?
A. her mother's birthday.
B. a present.
C. shopping online.
D. Sara’s mother.

Answer: B. a present.

Question 38. Sara thinks that shopping online ______.
A. is safe if you are careful
B. is not interesting
C. is always safe.
D. is often dangerous

Answer: A. is safe if you are careful

Question 39. Sara thinks that in the future______.
A. online shopping will be safer
B. everybody will only shop online.
C. no one will shop online
D. some people will shop online.

Answer: B. everybody will only shop online.

Question 40. What is the best title of the passage?
A. Online shopping
B. Future shopping
C. Things on the internet
D. Sara’s free time

Answer: A. Online shopping
04/02 09:33:53
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Quang Cường
04/02 09:33:58
+4đ tặng

Question 36. What is Sara's favourite way of shopping?

Answer: A. On her phone.

Question 37. What does the word “it” in the passage refer to?

Answer: C. shopping online.

Question 38. Sara thinks that shopping online ______.

Answer: A. is safe if you are careful

Question 39. Sara thinks that in the future______.

Answer: B. everybody will only shop online.

Question 40. What is the best title of the passage?

Answer: A. Online shopping

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