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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
13/03 14:03:17

Rewrite the sentences as directed

I. Rewrite the sentences as directed
1. The story is silly. Many people enjoy the film. (Combine two sentences, using “Although”)
à ________________________________________________________________.
2. The film was a bit frightening. I really enjoyed it. (Combine two sentences, using “Although”)
à ________________________________________________________________.
3. She comes back home every Tet. My sister lives far away. (Combine two sentences, using “Although”)
à ________________________________________________________________.
4. The film didn’t receive good reviews from critics. Many people went to see it.
(Combine two sentences, using “However”)
à ________________________________________________________________.
5. He was tired. He still performed the lion dance. (Combine two sentences, using “However”)
à ________________________________________________________________.
6. It was cold and wet. He went to the swimming pool. (Combine two sentences, using “However”)
à ________________________________________________________________.
7. She went to Ba Chua Xu Temple Festival last month. (Change the sentence into Yes-No question)
à ________________________________________________________________?
8. Black cat is the symbol of Halloween. (Change the sentence into Yes-No question)
à ________________________________________________________________?
9. People hold the Twins Day Festival on the first weekend every August.
(Change the sentence into Yes-No question)
à ________________________________________________________________?
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. Although the story is silly, many people enjoy the film.
2. Although the film was a bit frightening, I really enjoyed it.
3. Although she comes back home every Tet, my sister lives far away.
4. However, the film didn’t receive good reviews from critics, many people went to see it.
5. However tired he was, he still performed the lion dance.
6. However cold and wet it was, he went to the swimming pool.
7. Did she go to Ba Chua Xu Temple Festival last month?
8. Is black cat the symbol of Halloween?
9. Do people hold the Twins Day Festival on the first weekend every August?
13/03 14:11:52
+5đ tặng
  1. Although the story is silly, many people enjoy the film.
  2. Although the film was a bit frightening, I really enjoyed it.
  3. Although my sister lives far away , she comes back home every Tet,
  4. However, the film didn’t receive good reviews from critics; many people went to see it.
  5. However tired he was, he still performed the lion dance.
  6. However cold and wet it was, he went to the swimming pool.
  7. Did she go to Ba Chua Xu Temple Festival last month?
  8. Is black cat the symbol of Halloween?
  9. Do people hold the Twins Day Festival on the first weekend every August?


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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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13/03 14:22:23
+4đ tặng
1. Although the story is silly, many people enjoy the film.
2. Although the film was a bit frightening, I really enjoyed it.
3. Although she comes back home every Tet, my sister lives far away.
4. However, the film didn’t receive good reviews from critics, many people went to see it.
5. However tired he was, he still performed the lion dance.
6. However cold and wet it was, he went to the swimming pool.
7. Did she go to Ba Chua Xu Temple Festival last month?
8. Is black cat the symbol of Halloween?
9. Do people hold the Twins Day Festival on the first weekend every August?

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