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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
14/04 19:50:02

Talk about 3 things to do to restore and protect a local ecosystem

SPEAKING: Talk about 3 things to do to restore and protect a local ecosystem.
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There are several actions that can be taken to restore and protect a local ecosystem. Here are three key steps that can make a significant impact:

1. Restore native vegetation: One of the most effective ways to restore a local ecosystem is to plant native vegetation. Native plants are well adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, and provide important habitat and food sources for local wildlife. By planting native trees, shrubs, and flowers, we can help restore biodiversity and create a more resilient ecosystem.

2. Reduce pollution: Pollution from sources such as agriculture, industry, and urban runoff can have a devastating impact on local ecosystems. To protect and restore these ecosystems, it is important to reduce pollution by implementing sustainable farming practices, reducing the use of harmful chemicals, and properly managing stormwater runoff. By reducing pollution, we can help improve water quality, protect wildlife, and promote a healthier ecosystem.

3. Support conservation efforts: Supporting conservation efforts, such as land preservation, habitat restoration, and wildlife protection, is essential for protecting local ecosystems. By volunteering with local conservation organizations, donating to conservation projects, and advocating for policies that protect natural habitats, we can help ensure that our local ecosystems are preserved for future generations. Conservation efforts play a crucial role in protecting biodiversity, promoting ecosystem health, and preserving the natural beauty of our local environment.
14/04 19:50:50
+5đ tặng

To restore and protect a local ecosystem, here are three important things to do:

  1. Plant Native Plants: Focus on planting trees, bushes, and flowers that naturally belong in the area. These native plants provide food and shelter for local wildlife, helping to restore the ecosystem's balance.

  2. Reduce Pollution: Take steps to reduce pollution in the environment. This means using fewer chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers, properly disposing of trash to prevent it from entering waterways, and recycling to minimize waste.

  3. Educate and Involve the Community: Teach others about the importance of ecosystem protection. Get people involved by organizing clean-up events, planting days, or workshops to raise awareness and encourage everyone to play a part in preserving nature.

By following these actions, we can work together to restore and maintain the health of our local ecosystems for the benefit of wildlife and future generations.

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