I finished school last summer, and before going to university, I wanted to have the most **(1) amazing** adventure, one that I would remember for the rest of my life. I’ve travelled a lot with my family **(2) by** air but this time I wanted to try something **(3) completely** different. I decided that travelling **(4) by** car was the best idea, since I’d just got a driving licence. Before I set off, I had to make sure I had **(5) enough** money to travel with. I was **(6) amazed** when my parents offered to lend me some, because I thought they wouldn’t approve of my plans. But it seems they were **(7) fairly** positive about it, although they were a little worried about me. After a lot of packing, I left home and got **(8) into** the car. I spent a month driving all around the country, meeting lots of different people, swimming in lakes, hiking in the mountains and enjoying all the local food. Of course, there were a few small accidents, like when the car broke down and I had to search for a garage **(9) on** foot for more than three hours! When I got back home, everyday life was **(10) too** ordinary for me, but everything changed again when I went off to university!