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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
10/07 21:47:15

Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentences

???? vẫn còn mn ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. I usually go on a
with my parents.
Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Tomorrow morning I'm having a
2. Jane wears a beautiful necklace around her
3. You must move your arms and
4. Helena has a round
out at the dentist's. (teeth/ tooth)
when swimming. (legs/ ears)
with a high forehead, (face/ cheeks)
5. Please don't speak when you have food in your
6. I raise my
7. William has a small red spot above his right
8. On seeing me, my dog wagged its
9. My
(lips/ mouth)
up to ask the teacher a question, (hands/hand)
(eye/ eyes)
excitedly. (nail/ tail)
so I can recognise her easily. (fur/ hair)
are hurt after a long walk to school. (feet/ foot)
10. Amanda has red
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. John is
He does not live with his parents.
A. boring
B. serious
She is
C. independent
4 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Sure, here are the correct words to complete the sentences:

1. Tomorrow morning I'm having a **tooth** out at the dentist's. (teeth/ tooth)
2. Jane wears a beautiful necklace around her **neck**. (nose/neck)
3. You must move your arms and **legs** when swimming. (legs/ ears)
4. Helena has a round **face** with a high forehead. (face/ cheeks)
5. Please don't speak when you have food in your **mouth**. (lips/ mouth)
6. I raise my **hand** up to ask the teacher a question. (hands/hand)
7. William has a small red spot above his right **eye**. (eye/ eyes)
8. On seeing me, my dog wagged its **tail** excitedly. (nail/ tail)
9. My **feet** are hurt after a long walk to school. (feet/ foot)
10. Amanda has red **hair**, so I can recognise her easily. (fur/ hair)
10/07 21:47:48
+5đ tặng
tooth neck legs face mouth hand

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10/07 21:48:01
+4đ tặng


2/ Neck

3/ Legs

4/ Face


6/ Hand




10/ Hair

10/07 21:48:11
+3đ tặng
  1. Tomorrow morning I'm having a check-up out at the dentist's. (teeth/ tooth - We typically have check-ups for individual teeth.)
  2. Jane wears a beautiful necklace around her neck. (nose/ neck - Necklaces are worn around the neck.)
  3. You must move your arms and legs when swimming. (legs/ legs - Both arms and legs are used for swimming.)
  4. Helena has a round face with a high forehead. (face/ face - We describe facial features using "face" as the general area.)
  5. Please don't speak when you have food in your mouth. (lips/ mouth - We speak using our mouths.)
  6. I raise my hand up to ask the teacher a question. (hands/ hand - We typically raise one hand to ask a question.)
  7. William has a small red spot above his right eye. (eye/ eyes - We have two eyes.)
  8. On seeing me, my dog wagged its tail excitedly. (nail/ tail - Dogs wag their tails to show excitement.)
  9. My feet are hurt after a long walk to school. (feet/ feet - We have two feet.)
  10. Amanda has red hair. (fur/ hair - We use hair for humans and fur for animals.)

Quỳnh Anh
10/07 21:48:12
+2đ tặng

1. "Tomorrow morning I'm having a out at the dentist's." - Đây là một câu nói về việc đi nha sĩ, vì vậy từ "tooth" (răng) phù hợp hơn so với "teeth" (răng).
2. "Jane wears a beautiful necklace around her ." - Một dây chuyền thường được đeo quanh cổ, vì vậy từ "neck" (cổ) là lựa chọn đúng.
3. "You must move your arms and when swimming." - Khi bơi, bạn cần vận động cả tay và chân. Vì vậy, từ "legs" (chân) là lựa chọn đúng.
4. "Helena has a round with a high forehead." - Câu này mô tả khuôn mặt của Helena, vì vậy từ "face" (mặt) là lựa chọn đúng.
5. "Please don't speak when you have food in your ." - Khi ăn, thức ăn nằm trong miệng. Vì vậy, từ "mouth" (miệng) là lựa chọn đúng.
6. "I raise my up to ask the teacher a question." - Khi muốn hỏi một câu hỏi, học sinh thường giơ tay lên. Vì vậy, từ "hand" (tay) là lựa chọn đúng.
7. "William has a small red spot above his right ." - Điểm đỏ nằm trên mắt phải của William, vì vậy từ "eye" (mắt) là lựa chọn đúng.
8. "On seeing me, my dog wagged its excitedly." - Khi thấy chủ, chó thường vẫy đuôi. Vì vậy, từ "tail" (đuôi) là lựa chọn đúng.
9. "My are hurt after a long walk to school." - Sau một quãng đường dài đi bộ, chân thường bị đau. Vì vậy, từ "feet" (bàn chân) là lựa chọn đúng.
10. "Amanda has red , so I can recognise her easily." - Mô tả màu tóc của Amanda, vì vậy từ "hair" (tóc) là lựa chọn đúng.
II.1. "John is . He does not live with his parents." - John không sống với bố mẹ của mình, điều này cho thấy anh ấy độc lập. Vì vậy, lựa chọn C. "independent" (độc lập) là đáp án đúng.


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