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Toán học - Lớp 8
03/08/2023 20:18:28

Verb form

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1.Verb form.. 1. The interviewer asked me what I (can) do if I were offered the job.
Lesson 10 HL G8 (N1) 01/8/2023
2 Mandy asked me if the boys (read) the book at present. 4.They said they (never/ be) to Scotland until last year.
3.The manager told me that i (travel) from place to place the following month.
5.Jason and Victoria told me they (do) their best in the exams the following day.
6.1 wondered why Nick (not goi to New York the summer before. 7.John told me that there (may) not be dessert after dinner
8. She asked me if everyone (must) contact the Magic Number in emergency situations.
9.My mom said she (be) going to visit a friend of hers in London. 10.Shannon said that she (need) to take care of her baby
12.1 (meet) your husband this afternoon at the station.
14. This one of the best books that I (ever read).
11.1 never (see) anyone more beautifulthan your wife.
13.He solved the problem more quickly than I (do).
15. She has already telephoned the people who (come) tomorrow.
17. Are they the Italians who (own) this store?
16 I'll never forget the kindness that you (show) me.
18. It was the Smiths who (call) you.
19.She left her home last week and nobody (see) her since. 20. The video film is so interesting that I (see) it twice.
II.Commands / Requests foodd 1 The traffic nalia
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ng Nhật Linhh
03/08/2023 20:19:18
+5đ tặng

1. could

2. were reading

3. would travel

4. had never been

5. would do 

6.  hadn't gone

7. might

8. had to

9. was

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Tiến Dũng
03/08/2023 20:19:24
+4đ tặng


2were reading

3,had never been

4,hadn't gone




8,will done

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